These projects can be seen live in the official Facebook, Flickr and Youtube page of the United Nations Peru.



With support of the Peruvian Culture Ministry, we went to Raqchi, Cuzco to implement a program that helps communities finding a sustainable business in tourism. We produce a photoshoot in Cuzco as well as a video capturing the essence of the project.

Organization: United Nations Peru

AD & Producer: Paola Delgado
Camera: Bruno Cámara
Supervisor: Mónica Suarez | Karim Capristán

Featured in the Peruvian Culture Ministry & the Board of Governors UNDP




UN'S holidays online card 2017

The copy reads: "Let's work on this shared mission in order to don't let anybody behind, HAPPY HOLIDAYS"


United Nations Development Program Cards

I was in charge of designing a flyer as a deliverable for one of the meeting the United Nations Development Program in Peru was going to have with some leaders of the country and private investors. Our goal was to highlight the 4 major events where the UNDP Peru took a very important role. The infographic talks more about the numbers we reached in participation, how many processes were executed by us and the change we make in the society.
Events highlighted on the cards: United Nations Climate Change Conference (purple card), Board of Governors B/FMI (blue card), World Cup Brazil 2014 (green card) and Panamerican Games Brazil 2007 (orange card.)

Click on the image to see full details.